Reimagining Leadership

Response to a UC Prompt
Submitted November 30th, 2020

Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.

Over the summer, I landed a full-time position in a restaurant kitchen. Upon learning that I was starting as a lowly dishwasher, I vowed that this wouldn’t last for long. I fantasized about quickly picking up everything there is to learn and get promoted to the rank of head chef in a week.

However, when my first Saturday shift finally came around, I was completely caught off guard. Restaurants in Taiwan had just recently opened up, so it was as if the entire island’s population was swarming into our dining room.

That day, I bent over the sink for three hours without taking even a water break.

Every plate that I scrubbed clean was replaced by two more, and despite my all-out effort, I simply could not keep up.

“WE RAN OUT OF DISHES,” my manager shouted in my direction. As I stood in shock and fatigue, a wave of guilt washed over me. I had let my team down.

That night, I finally realized the importance of a dishwasher - to keep the kitchen flowing smoothly. If I cannot deliver the clean plates on time, the chefs cannot cook, and the waiters cannot serve food. This insight opened my eyes to a new perspective

that every role is essential on a team, and only when each part contributes their share can a united body succeed.

In the days that followed, I started taking pride in my role and committed myself to become more efficient and reliable in front of the sink.

On my last day at the job, another busy Saturday, I was trusted to independently oversee the entire workstation. This time around, I contributed my share to earning over US$10,000 in revenue.

In just one month, I had formed a strong brotherhood with the kitchen staff and had adopted an entirely different mindset towards leadership.

Beyond the kitchen, I learned to treat every team member with the utmost respect and recognition and never again shied away from doing the dirty work myself.

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Composed by nick , an aspiring writer trying to make the best use of his quarantine. Follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram.